La recuperación de la isla de San Cristóbal (1634-1635), Félix Castello (Museo Nacional del Prado)



  • The scientific committee invites the academic community to participate in the Conference by submitting proposals of original and unpublished papers, preferably in Spanish or English. Proposals should include a title, a 300-word abstract in Microsoft Word compatible format, key terms and personal details (author's name and professional affiliation, postal address, contact telephone number, e-mail address and brief résumé)
  • The congress will be structured in two modes of participation: 15-minute presentations of papers (with a text between 8,000 and 9,000 words) and 5-minute short communications (with a text between 4,000 and 5,000 words). Papers must be presented in person. For short communications, it will be possible to present online.
  • The aim of the organizers is to publish the texts of the selected papers and communications in a high quality monograph edited by the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, following a regulated procedure and peer review. The abstracts of the papers presented at the Congress will be published by Digital CSIC.
  • The titles of the communications will be published online under the CSIC Digital label.
  • It will be necessary to follow the publication rules of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, click here to learn more.

Abstracts and Papers/Communications

Con el aval científico de: